Rabu, 16 September 2015

fuzzy logic mamdani in matlab

what is fuzzy logic? ( answer from another post to explain definition for fuzzy logic). Fuzzy logic is a form of many-valued logic in which the truth values of variables may be any real number between 0 and 1. By contrast, in Boolean logic, the truth values of variables may only be 0 or 1. Fuzzy logic has been extended to handle the concept of partial truth, where the truth value may range between completely true and completely false.Furthermore, when linguistic variables are used, these degrees may be managed by specific functions.The term fuzzy logic was introduced with the 1965 proposal of fuzzy set theory by Lotfi A. Zadeh.Fuzzy logic has been applied to many fields, from control theory to artificial intelligence. Fuzzy logic had however been studied since the 1920s, as infinite-valued logic—notably by Łukasiewicz and Tarski.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzzy_logic)

ok that short explain abaut fuzzy logic from wikipedia. then i will share to you about how to make fuzzy logic in matlab. we know that calculate fuzzy logic have many calculate, so we can harness matlab sofwere to make easy calculate fuzzy logic. ok lets try matlab for calculate fuzzy logic but you must know that my example is fuzzy logic mamdani.

Selasa, 15 September 2015

Conventional and Intellegent Control

What different of Conventional and Intellegent Control ?, before I explain the difference of Conventional and Intelligent Control, look at this figure 1 :

Figure 1: (a) Conventional control theory tries to make a mathematical model of a target system.         (b) Rule-based control tries to make a model of a skilled human operator. (Hideyuki TAKAGI,1997, "Introduction to Fuzzy Systems, Neural Networks, and Genetic Algorithms ".
how?  can you imagine the different of Conventional and Intelleigent Control? In my opinion based on the picture 1. I think the conventional control more learn to make a mathematical model of a target system in diagram block system , and the intelligent control learn to make model system to have skilled human operator .
the example of Conventional control is PID control, PID control have combination of proposional , integrator, and derivative.
and then the example of intelligent control is fuzzy logic , neural network, genetic algorithms (we may post and discuss it on next post), or you can read in this site and this site. (afn)
status artikel : Not yet verified by Lecturer

Rabu, 09 September 2015


Apa itu kontrol ? kontrol adalah prasarat pada sebuah sistem untuk mendapatkan keluaran/hasil yang diinginkan dengan beban/load yang bekerja. kontrol tidak harus ada pada suatu sistem sebab banyak sistem yang hanya membutukan kinerja logic seperti prinsip saklar (jika ON maka listrik mengalir ,jika off listrik terputus) oleh sebab itu kontrol bertidak sebagai prasarat pada suatu sistem dan sangat baik digunakan untuk sebuah sistem yang memiliki banyak kondisi dalam mencapai output. sistem kontrol terdiri dari berbagai macam metode, beberapa diantaranya adalah seperti kontrol dengan metode PID, fuzzy logic , NN(neural network) , dan lain sebagainya. untuk memahami lebih jelas tentang sistem kontrol dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini.